Cherry Orchard, Lichfield, Staffordshire WS14 9AN

01543 263505

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Growing with Jesus


 We accept 15 and 30 hour funded places - more information below

Before and After School care available - more information below 

Applications now being accepted for Children from their 3rd Birthday


Welcome to St Joseph’s Pre-school

At St Josephs’ Early Years (Pre-school and Reception class) we recognise the importance of giving our children the best possible start to their education by planning and implementing teaching and learning opportunities that support them in reaching their full potential. We provide a fun and engaging curriculum, working with parents and families to prepare children well for Year One and beyond.

Please read our Early Years Curriculum Policy to find out all about children's learning at St Joseph's Early Years.


Opening Times 

 9.00am - 3.30pm - Term time only


9.00am -1.00pm 


St Joseph’s Pre-school is based within St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School and we pride ourselves on providing a quality education in a child-led, caring and fun environment. We achieve this by having fully qualified, highly trained staff who support the children's interests, learning and development whilst following an enhanced Early Years Foundation stage curriculum (EYFS). This is carried out within our own learning environment within St Josephs Primary school and outside in our recently refurbished outdoor learning area.  Children can join us at anytime from their third birthday.

We always welcome parents and family to come and view our pre-school to see the wonderful environment and meet the staff. If you would like to visit please contact Pre School through email or  by telephoning the school office 01543 263505. 


Meet the Staff


Miss V Cartwright - Early Years Foundation Stage Lead (Pre-School and Reception) / Reception Class Teacher

                  Mrs O Cooper - Pre-School Supervisor- Cache Level 5 Diploma in leadership for children and young peoples workforce

Cache level 3 Diploma in children and young people- early learning pathway

Understanding Autism level 2

Understanding and managing Challenging behaviour level 2

                                                 University of Derby Understanding Autism, Asperger's and ADHD.                                                  

                                  Mrs N Hollywood - Pre-School Practitioner ( with deputising duties) - Cache Level 3 Diploma in Early years and childcare   

Mrs Liu - Preschool assistant - working towards Cache Level 3 Diploma in Early years and childcare  

Mrs R Kilgallen-Pupil Welfare Support assistant Cache Level 3 Diploma in Early years and childcare 

Miss S Shaw Pupil Welfare Support assistant 

 Mrs S Dutton - Pre-School Assistant and Lunchtime support. 


                                                             All Staff have up to date safeguarding and Paediatric first aid training.                                                                                                                                                              

Governing body

Mrs P Lewis - Chair of Pre-School Committee

Mrs T Rowe - Vice Chair 

Mrs D McLeary - Committee member

Mrs C Turnell - Committee member


Our Daily Routine 


No matter rain or shine, we are always outside!

08.50 am Pre-school opens - self registration, Welcome, Rhyme time, story-time, time to talk, phonics

9.00am-11.15am Inside and outside learning through play

11.55am Get ready for Lunch

12-15pm- 1 .00pm Lunchtime

1.00pm Home time/arrival time along with Inside and outside learning through play

3.05pm-3.15pm  Rhyme time, Phonics, story-time, time to talk

3.15pm-3.20pm Children get their own bags and coats ready for home time


We regularly go on  Nature Walks onto the around the school and onto big school field to explore the natural environment whilst having fun, for example making bird feeders, making wormeries, building fairy houses, playing games, developing our listening skills, observing changes in our environment throughout the seasons, discovering nature and exploring the trim-trail.

 We have termly Planet Protector and Outdoor Classroom days to increase awareness of the environment and the world around us, discuss changes and what we can do to care for our planet.

We practise our P.E skills throughout the day as we encourage walking, running, climbing, throwing, catching, musical movement, riding bicycles and scooters,  parachute games, playing games and acting out stories we have created with our friends.


We have lots of visitors at pre-school including Little Lingo - teaching us French, Packington Farm - to teach us all about animals and where our food comes from, The Farm on wheels to bring us lots of animals to meet, the PCSO, pops in frequently along with the firebrigade, Lolipop man and the Music bus.

 Please keep an eye on the school calendar and  Early Years Newsletter for upcoming events and dates for your diary.




We join up with Reception and the whole school for  some trips, as well as going on our own within our local community to places such as -  

The local Garrick Theatre for various shows throughout the year

Termly visits to the local Library

Local wildlife area

The local market and town shops 

The local park 

We invite parents to come along to help with these trips.



 To apply, please fill out an application form and either email it using the address below or post it to Pre-school. We will try to accommodate all applications; in the event that we are unable to accommodate your request we will advise you of any alternative we can offer or place you on the waiting list. 

Should you have any questions please email or ring: / 01543 263505.

Admissions Policy

Application Form

Pre-school prospectus   

Terms and Conditions

Pre-school has adopted the policies of the main school please see here for our policies


Contact us:

Cherry Orchard
WS14 9AN

Telephone Number - 01543 263505


Take a look at the fun we have!



Please ensure your child attends Pre-school in clothes suitable for messy play as their day will be filled with lots of fun and we want them to feel comfortable.

Although not compulsory, Pre-school has a polo shirt and sweatshirt that you can purchase from Uniforms Plus should you wish.



Our charging tariff for additional or unfunded hours are £5.25 per hour (or part thereof). Fees are invoiced termly and are payable through Parentpay.

Snack Fee of £10 per term is also payable for children attending St Joseph's Pre-school, this fee cover the cost of providing healthy snacks and extra resources to support your child/ren's education. Snack Fee is paid via Parentpay.

You may also purchase a school meal for your child, please choose this for your little one on Parentpay. 

There will also be additional fees for extra trips/events that your child maybe invited to take part in. 

Please see our terms and conditions for more information.


Wrap Around Child Care 


For Wrap around care  we have a list of childminders who offer drop off and collection.  .  Please ask the pre-school supervisor for an up to date list.


Childcare vouchers


St Joseph's is happy to accept payment using Childcare Vouchers, and we have accounts with many of the main providers. 

Your employer may be able to help you with childcare costs using childcare vouchers or other scheme.

You must pay Income Tax and National Insurance on some kinds of support.

You don’t have to pay tax and National Insurance on:

  • childcare vouchers
  • childcare your employer arranges with a provider (sometimes known as ‘directly contracted childcare’)
  • workplace nurseries

You can get up to £55 a week from childcare vouchers, depending on how much you earn and when you joined the scheme.


15 hour Funded Sessions


Funding is provided for 3 and 4 year olds for 15 hours per week for 38 Weeks per academic year by Staffordshire County Council. Eligibility is usually from the term following their third birthday, please see below for the statutory term dates (please note these may differ from the school actual term dates) children are welcome to join us from their 3rd birthday.

When can my child receive their funded place?

 Funding for 3 & 4 year olds will  start from the term after the child’s 3rd birthday:

Children born between:                  Free places start from:

1st January - 31st March                  Summer term (from 1st April)

1st April - 31st August                           Autumn term (from 1st September)

 1st September - 31st December         Spring term (from 1st January)


30 hour Funded Sessions


Parents/guardians must apply for the 30 hours funding before your child(ren) starts their first term of preschool in order for the 30 hour code to to be eligible.

In addition to the 15 hours funding, some parents/guardians may be eligible to access an additional 15 hours of funding (30 Hour Funding) payable for 38 weeks per academic year, you  can find more information here

Further information regarding funding in Staffordshire can be found here


Useful Links

Development Matters - Non-statutory Curriculum Guidance 2021

Statutory Framework for the Early Years