Thoughts about our School
from our children...........
"When I go to reception class, it's like I've got smiley faces in my tummy!" - Reception pupil.
"I’m really good at homework – I like it." - Year 1 pupil.
"I like learning new things about different places." - Year 4 pupil.
"We understand that everyone is different and we understand other cultures." - Y6 pupil.
from our parents...........
"What a wonderful ofsted report. My child adores St Josephs and she will be very sad to leave next year. You all do such a great job to make the school so inviting and successful" - Year 6 Parent
"I just wanted to say a huge congratulations to you and all of the staff. I think you must be the most outstanding "good" school about!
I know that you do not do what you do just to please Ofsted, but I am glad that the team gave you a report that reflects your hard work and the difference you make. It just jumps off the page! I am delighted for you all. Thank you so much for what you do for my child" - Year 2 Parent
"I thought it was well organised and fun. I enjoyed the whole experience and I learnt a lot too!" - Year 1 parent following a Parent/ child literacy workshop in school
"It was a delight to see how the lunchtime staff foster the reception children’s independence. It was a pleasure to sit with the children and hear how they are praised for using their manners". - Reception parent attending family lunch.
"I just wanted to let you know how proud I was to be part of St. Joseph’s school." – Parent volunteering on trip with Y5.
"I love St. Joseph’s!" – Parent
"I found myself sitting in assembly this morning and really looking at what a prospective parent of St. Joseph’s would think. What I saw was a room full of happy, nurtured, smart children. You could see how hard all the staff and children work and I sat there feeling hugely proud of our school." – Parent of children in reception and Y5.
"I think it’s testament to the friendly family atmosphere at St. Joseph’s, that the children work so well together and feel so comfortable with each other." – Parent of children in Y3 and Y5.
from our community...........
"The children are an absolute credit to the school" – Parishioner attending Mass in school.
"The 3 year 6 children that were allocated to be our guides were excellent ambassadors to your school and a credit to the work that you and your staff do in educating and preparing pupils for life in the community." – Prospective grandparents following a tour of the school.
"We were delighted to attend such a tremendous community event which brought together parish, pupils, parents, the past and the present…please also commend the pupils for their impeccable behaviour, and also thank and commend the articulate, polite and confident pupils who guided visitors around the building." – Retired Headteacher.
"The children were a credit to you and your staff and I was so impressed by their confidence and social skills…they looked so smart." – Retired past teacher of St. Joseph’s.
We would love to add your thoughts to our page, if you would like us to include your comments celebrating our school please