Cherry Orchard, Lichfield, Staffordshire WS14 9AN

01543 263505

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Growing with Jesus


History ANd geography




At St. Joseph’s children will be taught the relevant strands of the National Curriculum in History and Geography, appropriate to their ability. History and Geography skills will be taught during Topic week where children spend the week immersed in a quality, concentrated period of teaching and learning. The teaching of knowledge and skills will be underpinned by enrichment activities such as visitors, workshops, trips and re enactment days. Teachers will use the History/Geography driver topic as a starting point alongside the History and Geography knowledge and skills progression document to ensure full coverage of skills. Foundation Stage will plan a long term and short term plan to cover History and Geography through the school year as documented in the Early Years Curriculum.


Our aims for History/Geography are to enable children to: 

  • show high levels of enjoyment in History and Geography lessons.
  • have a good knowledge and recall of facts linked to each topic.
  • develop the vocabulary needed for them to communicate confidently about their learning.

  • show evidence of continuity of progression in knowledge, skills and understanding