Music Tuition
Musical Instrument Tuition at St Josephs is a paid for service provided by external providers and there are a variety of instruments that your child can learn - guitar, drums, keyboard, violin and woodwind
Information regarding 2024-25 guitar/drums/keyboard lesson with Mrs Ray
Information regarding 2024-25 violin lessons with Mrs Hayes - to follow shortly
This is a wonderful opportunity that is very popular with our children. If you would like to know more about these lessons please contact Clare Ray (email or call/message 07806 933156).
School do not share your information so it is important that you provide Mrs Ray with your contact details in order for her to be able to communicate with you directly.
Badgers Wraparound Child Care
If you require a place for your child/ren please contact Badgers directly.
Coronavirus Risk Assessment for Badger Out of School Care (coming soon)
Working in conjunction with Humpty Dumpties, we able to provide before and after school care by Badgers for children who attend St Joseph's School and Pre-school.
Opening times:
7.30 am - 9 am
3.30 pm - 6 pm
Age range 4-11 - (may be able to accommodate from age 3 if attending our Pre-School, please contact Justine for more information)
Ofsted Registration: EY431743
Badgers Wraparound Care Information and Application Form
For further information please click here or contact: Justine Squires - 01543 416002
After School Clubs
After School Clubs are run by outside providers. School will not share any of your personal data with these providers, however the providers will need to share the pupil name attending with the school for safeguarding purposes. Each provider will request a consent form from you before the club begins and will need your contact information in the event of an emergency. Please note providers will need to follow their own GDPR Policy for this purpose.
School makes the assumption that all After School Clubs will operate for the full academic year unless they have provided specific information which is detailed below. Providers have been requested to advise parents directly should their timetable differ or an emergency cancellation arises.
We advise parents to keep an eye on the School Jotter News in case we are advised of any changes by the providers.
Funky Timestables Club with Mrs Ray - for more information, please click here
Y1-Y6 'After School Soccer Centre' with Paul Agnew - sessions have now ended and will start again on 4th March 2025 (3.30 pm - 5 pm)
Y3-Y6 Rugby with JC Academy - for more information, please click here (25th February - 8th April 2025)
Y1-Y6 Art club with Mrs Credali - for more information, please click here - spaces currently available.