Cherry Orchard, Lichfield, Staffordshire WS14 9AN

01543 263505

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Growing with Jesus


Our Parish

St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School is in the Parish of Holy Cross, Lichfield. As a Catholic primary school we work in partnership with families and the Church to enable our children to grow and develop as faithful members of the Catholic Church, whilst at the same time, maintaining the highest  expectations within the national education system.

The school has a responsibility to nurture and promote the Catholic faith through its programme of Religious Education. 

The Parish has a second primary school next to Ss Peter and Paul's Catholic Church on Dimbles Lane, Lichfield. Fr Anthony Dykes is our parish Priest  and celebrates Mass with us regularly in school. There is also a half termly 'Family Mass' at Ss. Peter and Paul's Church to which all families and parishioners are warmly invited.


12noon at at Holy Cross Church, Upper St John Street

8.30am at Holy Cross Church, Upper St John Street (with Children's Liturgy)
(parking in Car Park on Chapel Lane, behind church)
11 am at SS Peter & Paul's Church, Dimbles Hill (with Children's Liturgy)
Monday 9.15am at Holy Cross

For further information visit our parish website here