Cherry Orchard, Lichfield, Staffordshire WS14 9AN

01543 263505

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Growing with Jesus

  1. News
  2. KS2 Carol Service Rehearsals - volunteers needed please

KS2 Carol Service Rehearsals - volunteers needed please

27 November 2019 (by Emma TONKS (ETonks))

KS2 children will be walking to SS P&P church for carol concert rehearsals on the following dates:

-   Wednesday 4 December - leaving school at 9.10 am, returning by 12.10 pm

-   Tuesday 10 December - leaving school at 12.45 pm, returning by 3.30 pm

-   Thursday 12 December - leaving school at 9.10 am, returning by 12.10 pm

If you are able to help walk the children to/from the church, please let school know.

Thank you for your support.