Cherry Orchard, Lichfield, Staffordshire WS14 9AN

01543 263505

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Growing with Jesus

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  3. YR Parents

YR Parents

7 November 2019 (by Valerie CARTWRIGHT (VCartwright))

Library Books

Dear Parents, 

The children in reception class were very excited to hear that they can now take home a library book each week! This means that children will now take home: one fully decodable reading book that they have studied during the week at school; one highly decodable book that they have chosen from a selection linked to the phonics we have been learning; and a library book which can be read to them. In addition, children can also access ebooks through Bug Club. 

Please could we kindly ask that all books are returned every Thursday with your child's Reading Log as our new guided reading system depends upon books being returned promptly ready for the next group of children to use. Please could you also make a note in your child's Reading Log to let us know how they are getting on at home. 

Thank you so much for your support.