Cherry Orchard, Lichfield, Staffordshire WS14 9AN

01543 263505

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Growing with Jesus

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YR Parents

19 September 2019 (by Valerie CARTWRIGHT (VCartwright))

Guided reading and Homework

Dear Parents, 
Your child has been involved in their first guided reading sessions this week! As discussed in our recent Guided Reading Parents Workshop, each week your child will explore a book over three sessions. The first session will usually focus upon decoding (sounding out words and blending them to read), the second session involves developing fluency (reading words on sight and beginning to use expression to 'read like a storyteller'), while the third session is focused upon developing children's comprehension (e.g. discussing what happened in the story, finding out meaning of new words, talking about what characters did and why...). The book which your child has studied will then go home for you to read together, along with a new book to share at home. 
Your child's first two books and their Reading Log book will be coming home in their bags today. There is a letter inside the cover of the book which includes useful information as well your child's Bug Club login details. Please could you make a note in your child's reading log to let know how they have gotten on with their reading books at home. I will always read these and will sometimes add notes here too. Please could you send your child's reading books and Reading Log back to school every Thursday morning so that books can be changed. 
Please could you hand in your child's decorated homework books to school on Tuesday 24th September. Just to let you know, homework will be sent home on Friday 27th September and will include logging in to Bug Club and reading at least one book - just in case any enthusiastic readers would like to start earlier! I have included a 'Quick guide to Bug Club' which is also inside your child's Reading Log Book.  Dates for returning homework and for when homework is sent home can be found on the school app's calendar. 
If anyone has any queries, I am happy to help. 
Kindest regards
Miss Cartwright