Cherry Orchard, Lichfield, Staffordshire WS14 9AN

01543 263505

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Growing with Jesus

  1. News
  2. YR Parents

YR Parents

16 September 2019 (by Valerie CARTWRIGHT (VCartwright))

Letter from Miss Cartwright

Dear Parents, 

We are so delighted with how well the children have settled into reception class this week. We have had some very exciting experiences including: Sparkle the unicorn leaving magical glittery footprints in our classroom; joining in with Yoga; using the computers (real ones with a mouse!) in the computer room; and going on the 'Big Playground' for Friday morning break. This week we will be going onto the 'Big Playground' for lunch and break times, starting indoor PE and beginning our guided reading sessions. 

Show and Tell has begun this week. Last week your child will have brought a picture home which included their Show and Tell details on it. Show and Tell days are as follows:

Monday - Red group

Tuesday - Pink group

Wednesday - Green group

Thursday - Orange group

Friday - Blue group

This half term's theme is 'My favourite toys' and next half term's theme is 'My experiences' (birthdays, family celebrations, days out...). 

We are looking forward to a fantastic term ahead!

Kindest regards

Miss Cartwright